Have been keenly following Vijay TV's super singer program since it started. This week it ended with two teams having to vote out one person in their team. It was left with no decision as four singers got two votes each. Looks like the participants were not expecting a vote out and were reluctant. It was interesting to see the conversations before the vote out between the participants. Was Swathi trying to walk out ("I have other opprtunities...")? Was Archana going to quit on her own (Another participants suggested this)? Lots of things were talked about which were not music related at all.. Lets see what will happen.
I was kind of expecting some voting to occur. Vijay TV has done something similar in other reality shows or contests of this nature. Vote out is definitely going to create some animosity going forward.
Coming to the singers themselves. Swathi was not at her best at all. She has stage fright and is not comfortable at all. I want to see her go through to the end but she might not..
Earlier rejection of MK Balaji was unfortunate. He was not confident at all in the duet round. In fact he was singing well the song from Pasum Pon "thamara poovukum". If you listen to the original song you can make out that MK Balaji and Sheenaz did a very good job. MK Balaji was very smooth and he faltered at a simple line. If he had sailed over that one word he would have been through.